Ways to Market Your Writing: Sites and Tools
- Bookbuzzr: Free widget that allows writers to upload preview of book and then be installed on any site, Blog, etc.
- Twitterlit: Free Twitter service that takes the first line of your book and distributes it to thousands of other Twitter users.
- Bookhitch: Promote your book, and website for free.
- The Writer's Life: A one stop directory of promotion links including links for author interviews, book review sites, websites to promote or announce your book and an event listing website.
- Bookmouth: Blog with lots of advice and resources on how to promote your novel or writing work.
- Book Marketing Update: Book marketing and book promotion advice from John Kremer.
- How to market your book online: Good advice from someone who is running a successful POD business. Other interesting articles..
- How to Market Your Self-Published Book: Some basic tips on what to do to market your book.
- Ways to Market Your e-Book: Advice from an E-book author.
- Getting a Buzz On: Article from the Book Standard on how publishers are turning online to market their books.
- The Italian American Press: Promoting Self-Published Italian American Books, Sci-Fi Classics, First Editions, Rare and Old Books, Self-Help Paperbacks, Used Writing and Teaching Texts, Free E-Books, and Collectible Sheet Music.
- Book Promotion: Good series of articles on promoting your book from Writers Write.
- Market-Your-Book.com Watch the video and learn how you can use a proven, effective system to promote your blog and book(s).
Promote your book by entering writing competitions:
- Creative Writing Contests: information about creative writing contests, literary magazines theme issues, writing residencies, etc.
- Creative Writing Contests: information about creative writing contests, literary magazines theme issues, writing residencies, etc.
- Writing Contest Database Good list of writing contests.
- Author Network Writing Contests List of about 20 contests.
- Google Directory: Writing Contests: List of approx. 50 contests.
- Google Directory: Short Story Contests List of about 30 short story contests.
- Writers of thje Future Quarterly contest and pays hefty fees to winners and provides publication in sci-fi anthology.
- Save Our Short Story List of short story competition.