Bartlett Christian Writers is sponsoring an annual workshop with Trisha Petty on July 14, 2012.
"From Star Trek to Jesus in Warp Drive"
New Hope Christian Church
3300 Kirby Whitten Rd.
Bartlett, TN 38134
9:00 - 4:00 (One Day Only)
Writing 101:
Do I Really Need An Outline?!!
Marketing on the Social Media - Tribe Building
Self Publishing - Is It Really The Way to Go?
Writing for the Generations
FREE of Charge ( A donation of $5.00 or more is much appreciated)
Must pre-register to qualify for door prizes. Call 901-218-2412 or email Londa at [email protected]
Trisha Petty Th.D. co-authored 13 novels with Linda Crockett, among these were Siren, To Touch a Dream, and Tangerine, published by Tor Press and Harlequin Romances (Simon & Schuster). For 35 years, Trisha was also a much sought after production assistant, then personal assistant to actors, directors, and producers. Working with some of Hollywood's most creative people, Trisha contributed story boards and character development to projects such as "Star Trek: The Wrath of Kahn," "North and South," and "Paint Your Wagon."
This is a rare opportunity to see Trisha Petty in action. She offers a glimpse into the publishing industry that will broaden your understanding. Trisha's passion for writing leads her to offer FREE workshops on occasion, and Bartlett Christian Writers along with other area Memphis writers are among the happy recipients of her generosity. So come to the table and partake of the knowledge and wisdom God has bestowed upon her.
Workbooks and books written by Trisha Petty will be available to purchase during the workshop.