I liken this to building a house. Every house must have a foundation that will support the pieces of the house itself, the activities that will go on inside it and the people who will live in it. Without a solid foundation, the entire house will crumble and all the work that went into it will instantly become a waste of time. So, if you're working hard pursuing your passion but you haven't advanced to the level you would like, be encouraged. There are millions of people in the world just like you and with your continued hard work, a well-developed plan and faith, your dreams will come true. It's easy to get frustrated, begin to complain that things aren't moving fast enough and give up. But always remember this one thing, you are guaranteed to miss 100% of the shots you never take. Paying your dues can sometimes get emotionally, mentally and physically expensive but that's where strength, prayer and good old fashion determination come in handy. When you make it to where you want to be the cost will be well worth it. The key to successfully paying your dues without going broke is to:
(1) Set realistic goals. This will help maintain your sanity and your self-esteem. You will only frustrate and burn yourself out by trying to obtain the unobtainable.
(2) Never lose sight of your goals. Work each day with a successful ending in mind.
(3) Make sure the activities you are doing are helping you to progress towards your goal. Going the distance in the wrong direction just takes you further away from the finish line.
(4) Never let the desire to succeed die. Some people call it staying hungry! Treat each goal reaching task as your prey and devour it as if you haven't eaten in days. Keep going even on the days you don't feel like it.
The great poet Langston Hughes once asked the question, "What happens to a dream deferred?"
Well, Mr. Hughes, I don't know and I don't have any intention of finding out. I'm going to make my dreams come true.
On a side note--- If I say something to encourage or bless your spirit please share my musings of life with others. I can't get to where I'm trying to go if no one knows about me. Spread the word! Thank you to all my readers and supporters.
Be Blessed & Be Inspired!
This blog was contributed by Jae Henderson, author of Somday and Somday Too! Jae is also the Author and Founder of I'm A Good Woman.