Tyler Perry developed his "Madea" character based upon various family members. Madea is definitely a bigger-than-life kind of character who won't take no for answer. Perry has made a series of movies based upon this one very passionate character and viewers have grown to love her. Madea coined the phrase "Oh, hell to the no," which is commonly used today. Although some may find it offensive, her character was also very Christian. Even though Madea was actually played by a man, Tyler Perry, her character carried strength and gave women a much-needed ego boost to not put up with abusive men who took advantage of them.
Writing exercise: Think about the people in your life, those you grew up with, kids you once played with, bosses or coworkers you either loved or hated. Make a list of the various character traits that stick out to you and try to come up with a unique character that you will be excited to write about and share with others.